Wednesday, January 23, 2008

award time

Making someone happy is my goal in life,
but did i really make a difference in somebody else life?
well le'mme think! :-?
i think i did cheered up someone like my good friend jenny.
thanks for the award and im soo glad im one of the people that cheered you up

this award is like a boomerang !so im gonna give this award again to my good friend jenny!
(but you dont have to post it again).
im going to pass this award to shalue,mrs.douglas,speedcat,and nova
and never to forget the bloggers who visited my site every now and then,
You all made my day!


  1. thanks for taking this award Chelle...u always cheered me up nga! btw, i got u tagged din at this link...

  2. Must be my lucky day!! I will be smiling for some time now ... thank you so much :-)

    Award winner Speedy (he hee)

